开源Web开发 & 设计方案公司

The possibilities of revamping your business with the future development of customer-centric and integrated applications with open source web development is what makes it a preferred solution not just for small businesses but for corporate as well.



Open source solutions are comprised of diverse software bunched together to generate an exclusive and times better solution than commercial software. There are plenty of commercial software accessible to use on the diverse platform to complete your different job, 但它们不是免费的,有时我们无法购买. Don't concern about it as HorizonCore offers open source alternation service. 我们为开源改造提供各种服务.

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开源Web开发服务 开源Web开发服务 开源Web开发服务
开源Web开发服务 开源Web开发服务 开源Web开发服务
开源Web开发服务 开源Web开发服务 开源Web开发服务 开源Web开发服务


The open source database management system in today's era is highly influenced by open source programming language. Its database can also be accessed and managed with the use of a unique technique like MySQL, PostgreSQL和SQLite. MySQL is a relational database management system used in web hosting and is available in four editions like classic, 标准, 企业和客户运营商级版本.



The list of the Flash/Flex that organize and facilitate all content include Joomla, Mambo, Drupal, MODx, XOOPS和更多.



Online management solution provides online shopping and payment facility, which is helpful to the customers and also to them who are not able to spend enough time in market place. This is the service which is also helpful for the customers to accumulate a list of the items for purchase and select the product to use according to their need. 我们的在线购物解决方案软件包括Magento, os commerce, 电子商务, X-cart, 禅宗车, Joomla购物车和更多.



It's a kind of software, in which customer get a reply for their posting question and queries. It is one type of online posting and communication system and is a protocol for real-time online communicate. PhpBB is a free-fledged online communication software that can be used to stay in touch with a group.



开源博客软件 provided a variety of features including product moderator, 评论, 产品的幻灯片, 指示, 产品成分, directions and warning 指示 of the product and other categories of the product that is useful on timeliness basis. 博客ging online system also offers the usefulness of the product category for everyone. Our WordPress 博客ging software provides creation and maintenance of the product.



学习管理系统提供在线文档, 跟踪, 政府, 培训计划的报告, 在线活动计划, 课堂培训计划, e-learning program and much more about self-prepared learning management. Learning management system is used by many institutes that provide online education for their student. 我们的在线管理系统包括Moodle, OLAT and ATutor which is a course management system that provided online Computer-Based Training, 协作学习和培训资源管理.



开源客户关系 software is generally ideal for small and medium enterprise, in which organization may understand about customer requirement and satisfaction and thus increase profit and reduce operational cost. It is a widely used Business strategy that organizes company's interaction with customer, 客户和其他销售前景, 任何业务工具的日常需求是什么. 这背后的总体策略是维持老客户, 获得并赢得新客户,降低整体运营成本.

  • 效率和疗效好
  • 降低运营成本
  • 与客户保持密切联系,了解客户需求
  • 密切关注客户
  • 良好的创新
  • 创造力
  • 提高产品质量

We hope the above points will certainly assist you in selecting correct 开源改造 开发人员/程序员满足您的开源需求. And we will be extremely glad to respond to any of your queries and await your valuable 评论 and feedback.

Please contact us for more information about open source alteration solution and hire dedicated developers programmers.


HorizonCore拥有最好的网站 & 软件开发团队. I am very demanding and my all the requirements were fulfilled with politeness and smile. I was treated with the utmost respect and I am very pleased with the final outcome. I don't have the words to thank them and will truly recommend this talented team to everyone.

Link metric发现HorizonCore是一个完美的合作伙伴. They always deliver over and above our expectations, from complex site design to management systems. 在使用了许多外包操作之后, we were very happy when we finally found HorizonCore - a firm that can be relied upon.

We are very satisfied to have a mate like HorizonCore as our offshore development partner. 在我们的关系中, HorizonCore has developed a good understanding of our own vision and flow of work. 他们积极主动地解决影响企业的问题.

To work with HCIPL was one of the best IT experience ActiveCare Online had till date. 我们对所有的观点都印象深刻. 我们很自豪能与如此充满激情的印度IT公司合作, 热情的, 守时谦虚.

They provide excellent quality for the best prices that I have ever found in the IT industry. I have been very pleased with their work to date and highly recommend them. 谢谢你的好工作. 我非常感谢您为我们提供的网络解决方案.

我们经营进出口机构的管理业务. 当我们在马尼那加的时候, we met HCIPL head in the year 2010 and he proposed me a site development plan. 从那天起,我们所有的IT操作都由HorizonCore来处理. Recently we have revamped our institute management system with responsive layout and its more than we wanted!

We were using desktop system since long but due to technical advancement, we needed to upgrade it to web based so that we can manage all our details on cloud. 我和HCIPL项目负责人开了个会, 他的进步计划给我留下了深刻的印象,我们同意为之努力. 我们的员工对新系统反应热烈.

It's been a real pleasure working with the company we have always been pleased with the solutions given by them because their people are very supportive and are always willing to listen. 我们也觉得他们理解我们作为一个独立身份的需求.

伊莱 & 黛比

肥皂飞溅公司首席执行官. 美国.


MD,链路度量. 伦敦.


创始人Pacemedia. UK.

Mr. 脱石帕特尔

ActiveCare Online的所有者. U.K.

Arjun Thandi

创始人Evucan. UK.

Mr. 迪帕克Sudhir

导演,iiiEM. 印度.

Mr. Krushabh帕特尔

自由集团董事. 印度.

Mr. 拉德•帕特尔

ESSPEE ERP系统总监. 印度.




    如果您有任何疑问,请立即获得帮助. 我们可以24×7解决您的疑问, 如果你想有一个自定义报价或订单请求, 填写表格 & 与我们澳门网站游戏电子平台.


